Windows 配置命令快捷键
Windows Terminal
Add the following to the end of your profile file:
# if the profile file does not exist, create it
if (-not (Test-Path $profile)) { New-Item $profile -Force }
# Open the profile file in notepad
notepad $PROFILE
function ScoopRun {scoop @args}
set-alias -Name s -Value ScoopRun
实际运行的命令是 scoop @args
,映射的快捷键是 s
function VscodeRun { param([string]$Path = ".") code $Path }
set-alias -Name c -Value VscodeRun
function BRRun {bun run @args}
set-alias -Name br -Value BRrun
function PyRun {python @args}
set-alias -Name py -Value python
function ScoopRun {scoop @args}
set-alias -Name s -Value ScoopRun
function GitRun {git @args}
set-alias -Name g -Value GitRun
function Aria2cDownload {aria2c --summary-interval=10 -x 3 --allow-overwrite=true -Z @args}
set-alias -Name ard -Value Aria2cDownload
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