记录一些刷机常用的 Root Manager / Module / App
Root 后做任何操作之前,请务必备份一份手机基带和字库,这两个东西是手机唯一的,以免造成不可挽回的损失。
Magisk: https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk (opens in a new tab)
root 管理器
KernelSu: https://github.com/tiann/KernelSU (opens in a new tab) https://kernelsu.org/ (opens in a new tab)
APatch: https://github.com/bmax121/APatch (opens in a new tab)
内核级的 root 方案
ZygiskNext: https://github.com/Dr-TSNG/ZygiskNext (opens in a new tab)
Standalone implementation of Zygisk, providing Zygisk API support for KernelSU and a replacement of Magisk's built-in Zygisk.
PS: 可能会出现兼容性问题,注意提前备份。
LSPosed: https://github.com/LSPosed/LSPosed (opens in a new tab) https://lsposed.org/ (opens in a new tab)
A Riru / Zygisk module trying to provide an ART hooking framework which delivers consistent APIs with the OG Xposed, leveraging LSPlant hooking framework.
LSPatch: https://github.com/LSPosed/LSPatch (opens in a new tab)
NPatch: https://github.com/HSSkyBoy/NPatch (opens in a new tab) TG: https://t.me/NPatch (opens in a new tab)
免 root 打包
TrickyStore: https://github.com/5ec1cff/TrickyStore (opens in a new tab)
A trick of keystore. 可以用来隐藏 bl
Shamiko: https://github.com/LSPosed/LSPosed.github.io/releases (opens in a new tab) https://lsposed.org/ (opens in a new tab)
隐藏 root, 以及其他...
Android-VBMeta-Fixer: https://github.com/reveny/Android-VBMeta-Fixer (opens in a new tab)
A Magisk/KernelSU/Apatch module to fix VBMeta detections on Android. It works by performing key attestation and setting the system property ro.boot.vbmeta.digest to the verified boot hash result.
Partition-Read-Write: https://github.com/idyll5988/APatch-KSU-Partition-Read-Write (opens in a new tab)
APatch 和 KSU 使系统分区的直接修改可通过 OverlayFS 读取和写入
PlayIntegrityFix: https://github.com/chiteroman/PlayIntegrityFix (opens in a new tab)
Universal SafetyNet & Play Integrity Fix
Sui: https://github.com/RikkaApps/Sui (opens in a new tab)
Sui 为 root 应用程序提供了 Java API,即 Shizuku API
LSPosed 模块
Hide My Applist: https://github.com/Dr-TSNG/Hide-My-Applist (opens in a new tab)
HyperCeiler: https://github.com/ReChronoRain/HyperCeiler (opens in a new tab)
优化 HyperOS
fcmfix: https://github.com/kooritea/fcmfix (opens in a new tab)
让 fcm/gcm 唤醒未启动的应用进行发送通知
QAuxiliary: https://github.com/cinit/QAuxiliary (opens in a new tab)
QQ / TIM 增强模块
XAutoDaily: https://github.com/LuckyPray/XAutoDaily (opens in a new tab)
一个基于 QQ 的全自动签到模块
X: https://github.com/fkzhang/WechatUnrecalled (opens in a new tab) https://t.me/fk_zhang (opens in a new tab)
QDReadHook: https://github.com/xihan123/QDReadHook (opens in a new tab)
起点阅读 Xp 模块
XQuickEnergy(旧版): https://github.com/constanline/XQuickEnergy (opens in a new tab)
芝麻粒-TK 版(已归档): https://github.com/TKaxv-7S/Sesame-TK (opens in a new tab)
芝麻粒(接替上面的开发): https://github.com/LazyImmortal/Sesame (opens in a new tab)
软件(需要 root / 最好使用 root)
Scene: https://vtools.omarea.com/ (opens in a new tab)
基本上是玩机必备。There will be three modes: Basic, ADB, Root
Android-DataBackup: https://github.com/XayahSuSuSu/Android-DataBackup (opens in a new tab)
KonaBess: https://github.com/libxzr/KonaBess (opens in a new tab)
GPU 降压超频
blocker: https://github.com/lihenggui/blocker (opens in a new tab)
操作 Android 应用程序四大组件的程序。Blocker 提供了一个快捷的控制按钮来控制对应的组件,实现禁用无用功能,节约应用运行资源的功能。
MT 管理器: 各大应用商店下载
root 后体验最佳,一个强大的文件管理器,可以安装终端模拟器,记录 Activity 供上面 Blocker 禁用
Adaway: https://github.com/AdAway/AdAway (opens in a new tab) https://adaway.org/ (opens in a new tab)
AdAway is an open source ad blocker for Android using the hosts file. 使用 root 来修改 hosts 文件,屏蔽广告
Shizuku 可以帮助普通应用借助一个由 app_process 启动的 Java 进程直接以 adb 或 root 特权使用系统 API。
Island: https://github.com/oasisfeng/island (opens in a new tab) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oasisfeng.island (opens in a new tab)
多开/环境隔离用。官方描述:Island is a sandbox environment to clone selected apps and isolate them from accessing your personal data outside the sandbox (including call logs, contacts, photos and etc) even if related permissions are granted.
reqable:https://reqable.com/ (opens in a new tab)
HttpCanary(小黄鸟) 团队的新作,HTTP 开发和调试工具,适合开发、测试、网络、安全、爬虫等工程专业人员使用,或者在专业人员的指导下使用。
软件(不需要 root)
Nullgram: https://github.com/qwq233/Nullgram (opens in a new tab)
第三方 TG
legado: https://github.com/gedoor/legado (opens in a new tab)
开源阅读软件,手动添加书源,常用的书源地址:https://www.yckceo.com/yuedu/shuyuan/index.html (opens in a new tab)
mihon: https://github.com/mihonapp/mihon (opens in a new tab)
AuroraStore: https://gitlab.com/AuroraOSS/AuroraStore (opens in a new tab)
Aurora Store 使您能够从官方的 Google Play 商店搜索和下载应用程序。您可以查看应用程序描述、屏幕截图、更新、评论,并直接从 Google Play 下载 APK 到您的设备上。
AppShare: https://appshare.muge.info/ (opens in a new tab)
一个用户自主分享及下载 App 的平台
Shizuku 可以帮助普通应用借助一个由 app_process 启动的 Java 进程直接以 adb 或 root 特权使用系统 API。
# 指令快捷打开
am broadcast -a android.provider.Telephony.SECRET_CODE -a android.telephony.action.SECRET_CODE -d android_secret_code://5776733 android
- CIT: 6484
- fcm: 426
- lsposed: 5776733